Reddit is implementing new API prices starting from today—July 1, 2023. As a result, several popular third-party Reddit clients, such as Apollo, BaconReader, and Sync for Reddit, have been forced to shut down.News 

Third-Party Apps Like Apollo and Sync Shutting Down Due to Reddit’s Updated API Prices

It has been nearly a month since Reddit faced widespread protests and anger regarding the introduction of new API prices, which took effect on July 1, 2023. Consequently, numerous well-liked third-party Reddit applications, including Apollo, BaconReader, and Sync for Reddit, have been compelled to cease their operations.

Now when you try to open Apollo on Reddit, it says “Thank you” followed by a note from its founder, Christian Selig. “Apollo shut down on June 30 due to Reddit’s drastic and sudden API price hikes for developers.”

Christian Selig said in May that Reddit’s new API pricing would cost him nearly $20 million a year and that it would not be sustainable for him to continue using the app.

Apollo has stopped its operations.
Apollo has stopped its operations.

However, some apps like Narwhal and Relay for Reddit have chosen to follow Reddit’s new API pricing and are “subscription only”.

According to The Verge, apps with accessibility features, including Luna, Dystopia, and RedReader, are exempt from paying the API fee. that is, they are still available.

Apollo for Reddit and other third-party apps have become increasingly popular, with many people using them as their primary way to browse Reddit. This is why some of the platform’s most influential subreddits are protesting against Reddit.

About 8,000 subreddits went dark (privately) to protest. Some even threatened Reddit by opening NSFW content, which would allow porn on subreddits. However, Reddit shut down the protests as expected.

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